What some of my clients say
"Tony has been my Intuitive Life coach for several years. Under his guidance, my life has changed dramatically, both personally and in my relationships with others. I have moved from living in a state of anxiety and fear - ego based orientations, to a place where I mostly live my life from intention and a choice to follow what I love.
He has gently and positively guided me to stay connected to my Truth and to recognise when I was engaging in a process of reducing my dreams in favour of the old familiar fear.
He has a deep Knowing and shares his Wisdom with a beautiful sense of fun and I will always be grateful for his part in my journey."
~ Pat Goddard
"Fifteen months ago Tony became my personal coach. He is a very intuitive guy and has a way of helping me stay on track with what is really important in my life.
Tony uses change structures that give awareness to to my self limiting beliefs and memorised way of living and relating. With Tony's coaching I am able to focus my life from my inner knowing and take action toward creating the life I would love.
Tony brings a sense of adventure , a loving heart and a genuine desire to be of service. Results are what matters to me when being coached and that's what I get from Tony."
~ Ian McIntyre
"With Tony's guidance and support I am experiencing the most amazing transformational journey of living consciously from my Heart. I embrace my truth and step into my power everyday by choosing choices that only serve my highest good. Thanks Tony for your example of living your truth."
~ Jen Reggler
"I have not met a man like Tony, his enormous generosity and care for others you are lucky to come across in a life time. He is like water, sustaining and with an ability to embrace a lot, be sensitive to disturbances yet always remains Tony.
If you are looking at this website and reading this testimonial than you have made an important step towards self-discovery and knowing you’re true purpose and nature in life.
Tony will gently, honestly and with humour reveal to you what your true desires are in life, those things that are truly aligned with you and that you are entitled to have in this world. It will be an exciting and confronting ride; they are always the best rides anyway!
You will be fully supported on this journey of a life time, this second chance of life. A unique ability of Tony’s is to hold a loving space for you to explore and reflect on what makes you tick and why you do certain things. Absolute confidentiality makes this an open hearted exploration aided by Tony’s intuitive expertise that will go deeper and give you precious insights into yourself that you have hidden away and are influencing your life. These are brought to the surface to examine and to see them for what they are.
Your journey will not happen without movement. Tony will assist you here and keep you true to yourself, using techniques that identify what you truly want in your life.
The choices made in life around these wants can be difficult to action if one is not aligned with one’s true self when deciding the next step. Tony is a great teacher and will provide you with techniques that allow you to tap into your intuition to identify that next step.
He will also work with you to help, encourage and motivate you to listen to your heart and to be courageous. The steps may be small; however, taking the step is the most important thing of all.
I have been coached by Tony, and I am now doing things that I would not have thought possible. It is amazing how the momentum builds with each small step, a momentum that pulls you towards your true wants in life faster than I would have imagined. I am forever grateful for my connection with Tony and what I have discovered about myself. I am very excited and honoured to be able to provide this testimonial.
I whole heartedly recommend Tony to you as a coach or to get along to one of his workshops. It will change your life!"
~ Colin McMahon
"Tony is open-hearted, fully present and I believe with all my heart he has my spiritual back 100% .He is inspiring and real."
~ Rachel Redhouse
"Tony lives and breathes an authentic life in living his truth. He is energetic, passionate and an advocate in keeping me connected to my heart. Tony is a true warrior for your truth."
~ Kieron Wallace
"Being coached by Tony is an absolute pleasure! During the last 3 years I've been coached by him, I have experienced tremendous transformation in my life and business. Going from here to there is a wonderful journey that is so much quicker and easier having a coach such as Tony. His coaching style is very grounded and compassionate. He has integrity and I feel blessed to have him keep me on track."
~ Avani Amore
"Coaching is guidance in truth, wisdom and love. Coaching holds me to my true purpose in life while intuitively understanding where I am coming from ....which is often different at each session. Coaching teaches me to use the daily (magic) tools to create the things I want in the journey of my life. Tony Serves You in all the above with energy & heart."
~ Cath Marr